Millions for Basic Research = Real Results


Basic research is the foundation of scientific discovery. It paves the way for technologies that can influence the world. From the MRI machine in your doctor’s office to the processing power of your smartphone, basic research is central to the technology of our daily lives.

Developing next generation clean energy capabilities is no exception. For example, as a result of basic research conducted at U.S. Department of Energy National Labs, advanced drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies have been developed and the economic production of natural gas has increased to the point that over two billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions have been prevented from entering the atmosphere since 2005. Today, further investment in research for new clean fossil energy technologies like carbon capture can build on this already revolutionary success.

Top Republicans agree. Ranking Member Frank Lucas of the House Science Committee introduced the Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act which doubles basic research spending over 10 years, supporting carbon capture, storage, and utilization R&D so America can lead the world in these critical innovative technologies.

In addition, Ranking Member Lucas and and Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) introduced a piece of Bipartisan Natural Gas Carbon Capturelegislation. H.R.3828, the Launching Energy Advancement and Development through Innovations for Natural Gas Act (LEADING Act) aims to develop carbon capture technology through research and development and ultimately reduce carbon emissions across the country.



House Science, Space, and Technology Committee GOP
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee GOP

Written by House Science, Space, and Technology Committee GOP

Official Medium page of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Republicans | Frank Lucas, Ranking Member | Twitter:

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